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Videos & Featured Articles

From Ghana to Iceland, 3,000 Jewish Teens Revel in New York

Californian Lev Yakov Voskoboynik says he found his Jewish identity through CTeen, as he and more than 3,000 teens and chaperones from as far as Ghana and Iceland gathered in New York for the 15th and largest-ever CTeen Shabbaton to date.

My First Experience as a Roving Rabbi

This Passover, I had the privilege of travelling to the Quad Cities to help the local Chabad rabbi, Rabbi Shneur Cadaner, with his holiday activities. This was my first stint as a “roving rabbi,” and when all is said and done it was the best experience of my life.

How a Shliach Changed My Life (Video)

At the Tzeischem Lesholom Farewell Banquet at Oholei Torah, bochur Lev Yakov Voskoboynik told the inspiring story of a life-changing act by a beloved California Shliach. 

How CTeen Changed My Life (Video)

Lev Yakov Voskoboynik tells an entralled crowd of Shluchim at the Kinus how the CTeen program changed his life. 

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